Welcome to Mini Flare Guns.com . Please click on
www.BerloqueAndXythos.com to see the available Items. Unfortunately, I am completely SOLD OUT of everything, and may never be able to get more of the Nickel & Gold Plated Berloque Pistol Flare
Gun Sets, Xythos Revolver Flare Gun Sets, 2mm Pinfire Blanks, or Flares... but I will keep trying. The Berloque and Xythos items are becoming very RARE in the USA, and also overseas, causing the prices to climb to "collector's premiums". If you happen to find a steady supplier (someone with a large supply, not just a few) of these great little pinfires, please email me, and I will be happy to try to get a supply from him to restock my site, offering them once again to new generations of collectors. I will be adding some of my Original Design Custom Made 2mm Pin Fire miniatures soon to my www.BerloqueAndXythos.com site. If the link does not work, simply type in the
address in your browser, or please feel free to use the contact page to request
more information. Also please check out www.MicroPenGun.com for my miniature 2mm Pinfire Pen Gun, and www.PennyKnife.com for Mr. Shoemaker's TINY knife made from and fit into a PENNY! Thank you for your time and
interest. Have a great day!
My apologies to those whom are truly interested, this little note is not directed toward you, but to those whom like to send snide emails... please be sure to include your email in the "Email" line so I can reply to your snide email... unless you are "chicken", afraid to receive a reply that may just be considered "unprofessional"... I am my own "boss", this is a labor-of-love/hobby, and as kind and considerate as I strive to be, I do not believe that the "customer is always right", and I do not put up with "BS". Thank You.